  • Do you have a website but are not getting new customers through it?
  • Is your website below page one of Google for your products?

Then you need Search Engine Optimization.

If you build it they will come?

Well maybe that is true for a baseball field but it is definitely not the case for a website.

Think of your website as a beautiful newsletter; you need to create it (which includes design and printing) and you need to mail it. Building a website and then not doing the steps to get it to show up on Google searches for your products is equivalent to printing a newsletter and never mailing it out.

What is SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is just doing the needed actions to make your website show up on the internet for interested people to see. To use the newsletter example from earlier, SEO is the “mailing” service for your website; it gets your website out there in public hands.

Optimizing simply means to make as functional or effective as possible.

Search Engine Optimization Service

The Web and SEO Guru SEO service makes your website show up on Google, Yahoo and Bing for all the products and services your customers are looking for on the internet.

This is what our Search Engine Optimization Service includes:

  • Thorough research of what your potential customers are looking for on the internet that pertains to your product or services.
  • Each page of your website is optimized based on what your potential customers are actually typing in their searches.
  • Additional articles are created to establish you as an opinion leader in your field and to get your website to the top of search engines.
  • Blogs or forums are created to keep your existing customers coming back to your website and provide more ways for new customers to find you.

Our SEO service doesn’t just bring you to the top of search engines, it makes your website the place to go to.


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